Answer Archive #5 - The U.S. Presidential Election

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Episode Description

In the last Answer Archive of the season, writer and producer Daniel Seehausen looks at the history of presidential elections, from the tavern days of George Washington to the present.

Impress your family this Thanksgiving with your in depth knowledge of the history of the electoral college and its role in altering elections.

If you've ever wondered why the 12th amendment is necessary, or why the donkey is the symbol of the Democratic party, this is the episode for you.

In other news, I am going to be graduating from my college in a few weeks, and have to focus on some school-related stuff in order to do so.  Unfortunately, this means that there will be a short break before the next episode.  Expect the next episode sometime in late December.  Sorry for the wait.

A video and article about the mechanisms of the electoral college:

The Trouble with the Electoral College

Why the Electoral College is the absolute worst, explained

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Presidential Campaigns: From George Washington to George W. Bush

New episodes soon.

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